Today and Tomorrow Turf

Today and Tomorrow Turf
P.O. Box 1602
Garner NC
Booth: 235

Company Description:

Top Dressing is the process of spreading a thin layer, 1/2 or less, of compost/soil over your entire lawn. Top dressing is one process used to make soils better by improving its micro-biology.

The future of our soil, cleanliness of our water systems, protecting our environment is dependent on how we prepare our lawns. Top Dressing is one of the most important things that you can do for the health of your Lawn! Often times, especially on new construction homes, the grass does not have a good foundation to develop a healthy root system. This leaves the lawn uneven and fosters an environment for weeds and pest to flourish.

Using organic materials on your lawn is a win/win situation for a healthy root system by creating a dense lawn. A healthy yard is the best investment you can make by improving your property value and saving the planet.

Spread Compost for Healthy, Low- Maintenance Turf

Compost Improves Turfgrass.

● Helps Control Thatch

● Provides Nutrients

● Helps the Soil Retain and Release Nutrients

● Helps Suppress Disease-Causing Bacteria & Fungi

● Improves the Turf Root System

These advantages are due to the living organisms in the compost, as well as the partially degraded materials that provide compost's bulk. When compost is further degraded by microorganisms in the soil, it becomes humus, a gel-like mixture of soil minerals, remnants of microbes, and organic matter.

New Products

Cool Season Lawn Treatments - Includes Aeration, Overseeding, and Topdressing with a Microbial Blend.

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